Aug 04, 2022
- Log in to RTI
- Go to Other/Utilities > RTIconnect Users
- On the Pop-up click Add
- Enter the user information as stated below:
- Username = first name initial + last name (John Doe = jdoe)
- Password = create the password as you see fit, make sure to let the user know what their password is
- Menu:
- General manager/assistant manager/shift manager = 1-Store Focus GM/AM/SM
- District manager/regional manager = 2-Admin/IT/RD/DM
- Regional/Director of Ops/Sailormen Office = 2-Admin/IT/RD/DM
- Email Addresses:
- GM/AM/SM = enter the user's store email
- Area manager = enter the area manager's email
- Membership
- Select the membership corresponding to the user's possition
- Stores
- Select the store the user will be working at.
- Click OK to save changes